Healthy lifestyle builders: Three enjoyable habits that increase your activity.
If we build and develop habits that add to our activity, we increase the likelihood of having a healthier lifestyle. I have decided to put together three easy, enjoyable, and effective ways you can do just that. Try these highly effective habits if you’re looking for a healthier lifestyle.
Number one, daily catch-ups or touching base with someone you love. I have a very close relationship with my wife. It sounds a bit cringe, I know, but we are actually very good friends. Over the years, we have unknowingly deepened and developed our friendship due to habits we formed.
During lockdown, my wife worked in a high-pressure role at her company, while I had little work other than some Zoom sessions throughout the day. At the end of her workday, she would be very stressed, sometimes emotionally drained and upset. Every night, we went for a long walk and discussed each other’s day, airing out anything that had bothered us. I’d be lying if I said I had much to complain about; I love my job and rarely find it stressful. The walks were mainly for my wife to get out of the house, rant, and for me to listen. We’ve managed to keep this up; every night we go for a walk together. Nowadays, we take our son along too. The conversations are different now, but it helps us stay close, know what’s going on in each other's lives, and keeps us active in the evenings. And yes, we still manage to get some TV time in when we get back.
Number two, ditch the car/Uber once or twice a week for the weekly social. I don’t drink, but I enjoy a pub garden with family and friends in the summer. Alternatively I aim to have a meal out at least once a week if the budget allows. On these occasions, I make a deliberate effort to pick somewhere within walking distance from my house, or if it’s further away, I’ll park somewhere that allows for a nice walk before and after. This may sound simple, but when done frequently, it not only makes for a more enjoyable experience eating and drinking out but also adds activity that you wouldn’t have done otherwise.
Finally, the walk-and-talk lunch break, a habit stolen from my wife. It’s brilliant. During your lunch break, if you’ve got an hour to kill, stick your headphones on and call a friend for a chat. It might even be a colleague. Either way, it’s time to get some fresh air and catch up with someone over the phone. If you don’t feel like talking to someone, still go for that walk, get some fresh air, and listen to some music or a podcast. I make a habit of doing this most days. Whether it’s a cancellation from a client or a gap in my schedule, I’m out the door and off for a walk. It makes the workday more enjoyable and breaks it up a bit.
These are my three quick and easy ways to increase your activity level. More importantly, if you make them a habit, you’ll be doing your health and longevity a huge favour in the long run.